No. 50
U.S. State Department + Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
“How do we bet on democracy?” Driven by the desire for new concepts in democratization, participants in this session explored how American institutions might support a “portfolio” of emerging democracies abroad.
December 2013 in Palm Springs, California
Andrew Benedict-Nelson
Stan Crock
Andrew Davis
Denise Dillard
Annalisa Enrile
Michael Fee
Sonny Garg
Nancy Giordano
Tom Higley
Rachel Kleinfeld
Jeff Leitner
Tom Lutz
Howell Malham Jr.
Ian Mitroff
Kerry O’Connor
Aaron Schoenherr
Tomicah Tillemann
Rogayeh Tabrizi
Russ Taylor
Horace Trujillo
Ted Violini
Jim Young